March 2025…

Hello there and welcome! Thanks for being here…how have you been?

It finally happened! My practice has moved to it’s new location as part of The Worcester Center for Mindful Living at 31 Harvard Street in Worcester. I look forward to joining this group of micro businesses and their community.

Also, I have updated to a new business scheduling system. Those clients of mine whom I have seen over the past year (or so) have been migrated to the new system and will receive an email with the details. Yup, it’s different from the last system and may have some growing pains but has some cool features that allow me to run my activities from one system instead of 4. It has some cool features you all will like, too: automated waiting lists, dedicated app, gift certificates and treatment package tracking and more. You will have to create an account to use the system and I know not everyone is a fan of that, but it’s really the only way to truly manage clients and their appointments, etc in an efficient and accurate way. So come and embrace some change with me!

If you’re new here (or even if we’re old friends), I feel it’s important to mention up front and out loud that I run a practice that is open and accepting to all people. ALL people. Massage therapy and bodywork are very personal services. Touch is personal. So I need you to feel completely comfy cozy with me as a professional and my philosophy if we’re to successfully work together. We all come from vastly different backgrounds and experiences. While I can’t truly walk in your shoes, I feel it’s super important to honor you where you are at. In life. In identity. In healing and recovery. From there, we can work together.

Note that I am NOT accepting new clients at this time unless you have a gift certificate. Once I am settled in the new space, I will reconsider taking on new folks. For my existing clients, my winter into spring schedule is up to date and massage therapy/bodywork sessions can be scheduled up to 90 days in advance.

Need a massage therapist recommendation for practitioners taking new clients or who offer treatment types I don’t (like super duper strong pressure work, reiki or manual lymphatic drainage)? Here is who I love and trust in the area. I have had sessions with all of these practitioners and have even taught some of them so can speak to their work personally:

Infection Prevention Update. Yeah, I know. No one wants to talk about COVID anymore. But infections of all kinds are a fact of life. Norovirus, flu, colds and, yes, COVID are running rampant right now. Always know I am happy to wear a mask if you are immunocompromised or just plain ‘ol want me to. I have had all available COVID vaccines and booster doses. In fact, I stay current on all my vaccinations, including flu. I will continue to follow non-mask related recommended COVID sanitation and hygiene precautions during all massage therapy and bodywork sessions in my practice, because, well, those have always been a good idea.

See you soon, be nice to one another, and wash your hands.

— Jenn, 3/29/2025

It’s okay to want to feel better…

At any age, in any stage of wellness, it’s okay to want to feel better. And massage therapy can help you with that:

  • improve quality of sleep,

  • reduce feelings of anxiety,

  • reduce feelings of depression,

  • increase body awareness,

  • address/compliment injury rehabilitation,

  • decrease aches and pains,

  • just plain ‘ol chill out and recoup a bit, and

  • more!

Many assume massage therapy is merely focused on the muscular system. But, long before massage therapy and bodywork affect your muscles, tendons, ligaments or fascia, they affect your nervous system. So let’s not set your nervous system on fire, eh? My goal in designing treatments is to soothe and settle your nervous system, allowing for the soft tissues of your body to melt into and accept the work…not to be on guard and fight against it. Comfort is foremost in my mind before, during, and after each session. Looking to have a session of super deep pressure? I am not your gal. It’s not the approach I choose for my work and there are folks in the area who are much better at it than me (like Michael Surabian LMT: and Revived Athlete Recovery:

Ways to feel better…

Therapeutic Massage

A combination of massage therapy and bodywork modalities including Swedish relaxation, deep tissue (not deep pressure), orthopedic, Thai yoga massage and craniosacral therapy to address acute and/or chronic pain. Not sure which you need? That's okay! Each session will be adjusted for your needs at the time. 

Table Thai Yoga Massage

Based upon traditional Thai massage, this is a very movement and stretching based session. Think of it as a passive yoga session…clients wear loose and/or stretchy clothing while I gently move and press your limbs to stretch you out and energize you.

Pregnancy and Postpartum Massage

These sessions are designed specifically for the needs and comfort of those who are pregnant as well as those who have delivered within the past 3 months. Considerations and adjustments in technique allow for safe treatments from first trimester through (and beyond) delivery.

CranioSacral Therapy

A very gentle and light touch form of bodywork that releases tension in the fascia and nervous system. It allows the body to relax and self-correct as a means to address pain and discomfort. CranioSacral Therapy can be very relaxing and a good option for those who are touch averse, touch sensitive or prefer to stay clothed during their session.

Thai Foot Reflexology

Thai Foot Reflexology sessions include Thai foot massage followed by traditional Thai reflexology where work with the foot corresponds to the well-being of the entire body.

Massage Cupping

The use of silicone cups to gently add a new dimension to your massage therapy session. While most modalities press into the body, cupping adds lift to help separate and loosen muscle and fascia. This can be integrated into any session.

On the horizon: Yomassage®

A small group class of no more than 5 people that integrates restorative yoga, mindfulness, and massage therapy…the ultimate relaxation experience. Massage therapy in a group setting like this has the potential to make therapeutic touch more accessible for our stressed and touch starved society. I’m currently pursuing space to make this possible, so stay tuned!

Session times and rates for feeling better…

All of my massage therapy and bodywork sessions costs are based upon time on the table…not on the type or style of the work. My knowledge of anatomy and massage therapy/bodywork modalities comes with me to every session, so there’s no point in me charging different rates for different types. Make sense? Yeah, I thought so, too.


Massage Therapy/Bodywork Rates:

  • 30 minute massage therapy/bodywork session: $70

  • 45 minute massage therapy/bodywork session: $85

  • 60 minute massage therapy/bodywork session: $100

  • 75 minute massage therapy/bodywork session: $115

  • 90 minute massage therapy/bodywork session: $130

  • 120 minute massage therapy/bodywork session: $160


Also? I run a non-tipping practice. So the cost listed above is really the cost. (Thought you were going to have to tip me? Aw, that’s so sweet! I recommend you treat yourself to a coffee or yummy baked good instead. CRUST is mere moments from my office. You should go.)

Have a Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Medical Spending Account (FSA)? I am able to accept those forms of payment if your HSA/FSA account allows for massage therapy (this would be outlined as part of each client’s specific HSA/FSA arrangements). The vast majority of health insurance companies in Massachusetts do not contract with massage therapists to provide massage therapy services so I cannot accept health insurance for sessions at this time.